Fall has officially arrived and so has cooler weather, fall sports, and busier days. To keep yourself feeling centered, calm, and confident with your health and weight goals, being prepared has never been more important. Having an abundance of foods prepared for a quick meal or snack can be the difference between having lots of energy and supporting your goals or “bonking” and making a bad decision you’ll surely regret.
Balanced habits are important to establish as we move into the holiday trifecta: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. When you identify habits you’re ready to right, be sure to create a new habit to replace it. Just saying “I’m going to start drinking more water” is not really a commitment to getting balanced. Instead, say; “I’m going to only have coffee in the AM hours and enjoy water for all the PM hours.”
If you do this now, you’ll rock into the new year with what we call “The Big MO.” Momentum is what’s going to catapult you into 2019 with more success than most. If you wait till the end of the year to start making goals and changing habits, you’ll likely get swept up in the excitement of new year’s resolutions and then fall off them once the excitement wears off.
As 2018 winds down to a close (and trust me, January 1, 2019 will be here before you know it) take a few minutes to write down goals you set for yourself for the year. Put a star beside the ones you surpassed. Pick out three of those you did not, and decide what you can do in these last 4 months of the year to reach them. Make sure to use language with yourself that is positive and empowering. Count your wins instead of focusing on the targets you didn’t hit. One goal per each of the final months in 2018. Focus on only one at a time so it can take hold. You’ve got this.
Here’s some examples of some habits you can work towards as the year comes to a close. Remember only pick 1 per month!
Drink more water.
Eat breakfast every day.
Practice saying don’t instead of can’t when refusing a treat.
Try one new vegetable each week.
Mail 1 persona each Wednesday a thank you for touching your life in some way.
Enjoy one vegetarian meal per week for dinner.
Break a sweat every day of the week.
Focus on how you FEEL, not how you look.
Only use the scale once a week vs. every day.
Count your wins at the end of every day.