CNU Fit: Keeping You Fit and Enhancing Marriages
Recently, the visionary leader and owner of CNU Fit invested in leadership training for myself and the rest of the CNU Fit family.
In this training we discussed capacity and how it affects our goals. In the context of this training, capacity was identified as encompassing two components, time and support. In order for us to meet our goals we have to evaluate our time and our support.
I did just this.
One goal I have is to be in the best physical condition I can be so I may serve my family and the community to the best of my ability. I am blessed to have a ton of support in that goal. My biggest supporter is my husband. My husband will do whatever it takes to ensure I have what I need to reach my goals. My marriage has definitely made my life so much richer, and I want to continually invest in the bond we share. But, as most of us will likely agree on, TIME is the component of capacity that is limiting. Time affects my goals and my marriage.
As a working mom, step mom, wife, and friend, I had to survey my life to see where more one– on– one time fits for my husband and me.
Since fitness is very near and dear to me, and something my husband wishes to pursue as well, but also something that takes time away from time with my husband, why not share fitness time together?
So, my husband and I have started training sessions at CNUfit together. CNUfit trainers have made us feel confident, motivated, and empowered. Training with my husband has been a wonderful way to invest in my marriage as well as spend quality time together. We get to encourage each other, be vulnerable, celebrate accomplishments, and deepen our emotional bond by sharing a common goal.
John Raglin, a psychologist in the Indiana University (IU) Bloomington Department of Kinesiology, and IU exercise physiologist Janet P. Wallace, performed a study in 2013 on exercise adherence. Raglin and Wallace found that only 8 percent of the participants who exercised with their spouses quit, compared to half of the participants who exercised independently of their spouses (1). That is staggering data.
– Crystal N. Hurley, MS, RDN, LDN