
Dover Personal Trainer gives tips to manage stress and still reach your goals

Usually around this time is when people start getting stressed out and falling off their goals. The reason could be a variety of things; for a lot of our clients it’s tax season which means a lot of extra work on their end that can end up manifesting in their bodies.

This can feel like an increase in fatigue and feeling more sore than usual after your workouts, but it is also a normal response to stress.


There are two types of stress you need to know about: acute and chronic. Acute stress is any stress you suffer from for a short period of time, like getting stuck in a traffic jam or having an intense workout. Chronic stress, on the other hand, is long-term stress — things like a toxic relationship or a high-stress work environment can cause chronic stress.


Now, the body is well adept to handling acute stress, but when we are in a stressful situation for long periods of time it can cause some problems in our bodies. Headaches and body aches are some of the results that chronic stress can bring, and it’s important to know how to work with stress and all the things that can come with it in order to still be able to reach your goals.

  1. Catch some Zzz’s!


Sleep is your body’s time to rejuvenate, and when you’re experiencing chronic stress sleep is going to be vital to remain functional — not only on a physical level, but an emotional level as well. A great way to jump start the rejuvenation process is to make sure you are taking a multivitamin; you can stop by CNU Fit’s store to check out the best multivitamins on the market.


  1. Simplify your meal plan


Meal prepping can cause an extra amount of stress, especially when you’re first starting off on your fitness journey. If stress is causing you to fall behind on your meal prepping, then simplifying it is the best way to make sure it is still manageable for your lifestyle. An easy way to do this is to cook a minimum amount of variety for your meals. Try to pick one protein and cook a bunch of it at once, then portion it out ahead of time to make it easier on yourself. Also make sure you are getting in plenty of vegetables!


  1. Talk to your trainer  about your workouts


Working out hard during a time of chronic stress is an easy way to make your body feel worse not better! Making sure you are telling your trainer or coach all the essential things that might be affecting you in your life will help them tailor your workouts to provides as little stress as possible, allowing you time to relax and get through whatever stress is overcoming you.


Follow these tips and you will still be able to reach your goals while managing your stress levels!


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