
Dover Personal Trainer gives tips on running your first 5k

The Fall is an amazing time of year: beautiful leaves and weather, yummy recipes, and lovely family time. It’s also a time where people love to try their hand at running 5k’s because it’s not too hot and it’s not too cold and it’s a great lead into the holiday season.


Since we’ve had some clients recently who have taken the plunge and tried their first 5k, we thought it might be helpful to help all you out their run your own first 5k; whether it’s a race or simply around your neighborhood.


The key to injury free running is to honor your body and its capabilities. There is a big difference in pushing yourself to improve and pushing your body before it’s ready. The “no pain, no gain” saying doesn’t apply to running! Pain may be a sign of injury.


Strength training helps your running progress. Having muscles, ligaments, and tendons prepared for endurance exercise will significantly benefit you. Incorporate both lifting and running to get the biggest bang for your buck!


Here are some tips on the running side of the equation to help you complete your first 5k!

  1. Don’t stretch much beyond loosening up before you warm up; imagine your muscles, ligaments and tendons are rubber bands that need to warm up before pulling too hard.

  2. Start every running workout with five minutes of walking to get the blood flowing.

  3. Walk-run-walk…until you have completely eliminated walking.

  4. Stick with 20 minutes for the first week; then add 5 minutes each week thereafter.

  5. Stick with 12-15 miles per week max for the first month; then add 3-5 miles each month thereafter if you feel like progressing your mileage and your body is ready for more.

  6. Enjoy your run! The hardest part is starting.

  7. Be the tortoise, not the hare. The people at the back of the pack have more fun. Unless you’re a competitive person, enjoy the race.

  8. Finish with a five minute cool down walk. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done!


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