
Janne Grinstead

We made it through week one of celebrating our clients and we still have 6 more clients to go. We are beyond proud of our clients and cannot believe how much they have changed and grown. 

For our 7th client, we are celebrating Janne Grinstead. 

We are so proud of Janne! She has made amazing progress this year towards her goal of improving her strength. 

It hasn’t been an easy path, but Janne has listened to our recommendations and conquered her goals. 

Janne joined CNU Fit after feeling drained and not having someone hold her accountable. She knew that we would be able to help her live a healthier lifestyle because our trainers are there for her every step of the way. 

Fast forward to today, and CNU Fit has helped her with her arthritis. She has gained muscle, strength, and energy. She is currently in our personal training program and loves showing up to the studio every day. 

Keep up the amazing work, Janne. We are all inspired by you, we cannot wait to watch your journey in 2017!!


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