
Over the past week we have been celebrating our amazing clients here at CNU Fit. Every day we come in to work we can’t believe that we get to work with such amazing people who inspire us by showing up, day in and day out.

Today we are celebrating client number 8 and I have to tell you about Sharese Paylor. 

We are so proud of Sharese!! She has made amazing progress this year towards her goal ofcreating new eating habits. 

It hasn’t been an easy path but Sharese has consistently shown up with a big smile on her face. Plus, her results have been amazing and she is constantly achieving her goals. 

Sharese joined CNU Fit after seeing her husband Ray Paylor’s amazing results and hearing him talk highly about CNU Fit. Just like our other clients at CNU Fit, Sharese likes the appointment based system that we offer. The appointment based system gave Sharese the accountability she wanted and allowing her to fit in her sessions within her busy schedule. 

Sharese has been doing personal training and metabolic coaching for four months, she has lost over 40 pounds and gained energy, confidence and strength. 

Keep up the amazing work, Sharese. We are all inspired by you and so proud of you. Bring on 2017!


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