
David Litz

Over the next week we are celebrating our amazing clients here at CNU Fit. Every day we come in to work we can’t believe that we get to work with such amazing people who inspire us by showing up, day in and day out.

Today is Day 1, and I have to tell you about David Litz.

We are so proud of David! He has made amazing progress this year towards his goal of living a healthier lifestyle.

David has consistently shown up and worked on getting better, one day at a time. The results have been amazing.

David joined CNU Fit after one of our clients gave him a gift certificate back in 2014 and he has been an inspiration for many of our clients. He knew that he wanted someone to help him through the journey to a healthier lifestyle but was not ready for the change. After considering his health, he felt the need to show up to CNU Fit and overcome his goals to live a healthier lifestyle. 

Currently, David is in our personal training program, has lost over 50+ pounds and has been consistent for 2 years. He has decreased his shoulder and back problems, along with his plantar fasciitis. 

Fast forward to today and he does not have hip pain and can get dressed standing up. He’s stronger, more energized and getting better sleep. 

Keep up the amazing work, David. We are all inspired by you and so proud of you. Bring on 2017!


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