
Kalisa’s Success Story

Kalisa Moore is a 32 year old mother of three. An executive recruiter and professional coach, she recently moved to Dover from Houston, Texas, and began working from home; which meant she was less active. Kalisa was never a consistent gym member, because she had never experienced major weight problems. She was always comfortable with her weight.

Once she turned 30 she started noticing how her poor eating habits were effecting her body, she began paying attention to what she put in her body and how it affected her. The combination of less activity with poor eating habits resulted in slow and steady weight gain.

Kalisa had tried some things on her own. In Houston she worked with a nutritionist and learned about her food sensitivities, she began changing her poor eating habits. When she first came to Dover she began personal training with a local gym and always felt something was a little off. She wasn’t comfortable in the gym because she didn’t have the skills and knowledge to succeed, so she attended group exercise classes, but they didn’t fit into her schedule and they didn’t help reach her goals.

When visiting a local church, Kalisa heard about CNU Fit. Two weeks later she saw our ad in the paper, and a week after that she saw CNU Fit owner and CEO Evans Armantrading Jr. on the cover of a magazine in her doctor’s office, she was sold.

Since coming to CNU Fit Kalisa has experienced major results, she has lost nearly 20lbs! The first change she noticed was in her waistline, her pants are fitting differently, her face is slimming, and she has ample energy.
But she didn’t stay with CNU Fit because of the results she was getting, she stayed because of the guidance and education she received. “The people are what made me stay, I trusted that the people here would guide me properly, I knew that you were knowledgeable and the training sessions provided education and communication…it’s an authentic place!”

Now, Kalisa is comfortable in any gym, she has the tools for a lifetime of success and she is still working hard to reach her goals.


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