
Over the next week we are celebrating our amazing clients here at CNU Fit. Every day we come in to work we can’t believe that we get to work with such amazing people who inspire us by showing up, day in and day out.

Today is Day 5 and I have to tell you about Lang Redden. 

We are so proud of Lang! She has made amazing progress this year towards her goal of learning how to eat healthy. 

Lang knew that Evans understood PCOS and working with him would help understand her physician’s guidelines and achieve fertility. 

Lang joined CNU Fit after feeling lazy, weak, and fatigued. Lang is now able to go up a flight of stairs without being winded (that is an amazing milestone). Lang thought she could only lose 5 pounds but she is now down 20 pounds. Her proudest accomplishments is knowing that she can go to the grocery store and understand what is healthy. Concerning her health and fitness, she felt lost and now she knows “how to fish”. Another accomplishment is that Lang’s doctor has taken her off of her medications. Now Lang’s biggest struggle is constantly having to buy new clothes! 

She is currently in the metabolic coaching program but we love seeing her smiling face while working out with our trainers from time to time. 

Keep up the amazing work, Lang. We are all inspired by you and so proud of you. Bring on 2017!


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